Welcome to Issue #11 of the World of Warcraft Community Magazine.
Summer is here and guess what?? So is patch 6.2!! For the Horde! For the Alliance! Who cares… NEW CONTENT! All of us here are just as excited to be in Tanaan Jungle as you are, so check out our Hellfire Citadel glimpse of where these bosses came from before this timeline.
This issue has some familiar features returning to you with Taming the Extraordinary – a Hunter’s guide to more rare tamable friends and where you can find them. We also have Four Forms, But Always Alone back, but this time looking at how to solo 25m Dragon Soul.
We were pleased to sit down this month with Ryan Smith a.k.a. Brutall Static! A PvE twitch streamer extraordinaire. Be sure to also check out the links to podcast episodes from Hearthcast, Tauren Think Tank, Looking for Roleplay, Realm Maintenance, Training Dummies and Horde for Life!!
Enjoy your coffee breaks, raid breaks or downtime with our downloadable wordsearch and crossword made just for you! Check out the community video page with a range of WoW related YouTube videos that our staff has compiled for your entertainment.
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