Page 9 - WoW Magazine Issue 30
P. 9

World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 9

       of a falling out or lack of interest, but because real life has

       sucker punched him in the gut. There is little if nothing at

       all I can do to help him in real life, but in his absence he

       has left me to run his guild. At first I thought it wouldn’t

       be much different, we had been running it as a team for

       years now an official change in leadership wouldn’t mean

       anything significant. Not when he returns and we continue

       on business as usual. But as the weeks turn to months his

       return becomes less and less likely. The guild continues

       on, playing the game as we always have but things have

       changed. The guild has entered a new chapter as my style

       of leadership adds a new flavor to the direction it was going

       in. It is not something that is bad or good, it simply is what

       it is.

          As time goes on, new members join. They see me as

       the Guild Leader and they don’t know the previous one,

       my friend. But I remember. Especially when I go back to

       Draenor, we often hung out at the Teluuna Observatory in

       Shadowmoon Valley. Sometimes when things get stressful,

       or when I feel nostalgic, or miss my friend I go there and

       just… sit. I think about all the fun times we had, all the

       memories we made there. I can’t tell you how many times

       we had Dazzling Rod games and have fallen off the edges,

       often to our deaths trying to not get hit by the other person,

       or guild meetings that would erupt into chaos because they

       would show up while we were doing that and join in. While

                                                                                                                      The GameOn Magazine
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