Page 12 - SMITE Magazine Issue 34
P. 12
By Timothy Tian
Entry 1 stomach. I never liked the sea and I’m glad their
Saltwater sprays in my face. The air around me feelings toward me are mutual. Shore must be
feels cold and dingy. I have been on this wretched arriving soon. I see a human in the distance. His
ship for almost a month now. However, I must go facial expression shows anger and in his right hand,
on. The feelings get stronger every day, feelings of there is a trident. I sense that a battle awaits me.
a death, being reborn. It all started when I had that
dream. Recalling it is easy, it lingers strongly in my Entry 3
mind up to this day. I awoke from it, feverish with That was no mere human. He possessed
clammy skin. It was only a dream, yet, it resonated so abilities no mortal could bear. I was at a clear
strongly that there had to be some truth to it. He was disadvantage, being stuck in this watery abyss. I
dead, I’m sure of it. It was with my own hands that could tell that this was his realm. The waters were
the deed was done. This dream told a different story, at his disposal as he threw a series of waves at me,
one that is making me uncertain of the events after one after the other. Fortunately, I am unharmed.
that day. I had to make sure. I must know the truth. My ship is not so lucky. It now lies at the bottom of
the ocean, forever lost to me. The same can be said
Entry 2 for my undoubtedly formidable foe. Being the god
The seas are not letting up. Strong winds lead of storms and the desert, I merely had to bury him
to tall waves which in turn leads to my unsettling under my precious sand. With the heavy mixture of
12 The Official SMITE Magazine Issue #34 The GameOn Magazine