Page 9 - SMITE Magazine Issue 33
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changing timeline we are going to control. No, the “Yes. Them. Their synergy is nearly flawless, and
elder you see before you is one of our two targets, and their strength together is practically unmatched.”
the other is unseen as of yet, but he is out there.” The hooded man thought to himself for
“Where?” a moment, making sure that he was able to
“There!” contribute to the conversation before speaking
Immediately, back in the duo lane, the two out of turn. “I am not saying that you are actively
Mages could see Brother Swukong, in the form of lying to me, but I have yet to see this strength
a tiger, running out from the jungle and striking that you are so confident that they have.”
Arachne. Father Brodin then locked her in his Ring The hooded woman looked at the man,
of Spears, as our two protagonists overwhelmed surprised that he would speak to his superiors
the Arachne and forced her to use her ultimate, in such an insubordinate manner, but kept her
Night Crawler, and her third ability, Web, to barely composure and responded accordingly. “That is
escape with a sliver of health. She ran under her because they do not even know their own strength.
Tier 1 tower and backed to base, terrified of how The elder man is just below average intellect, but
effectively Brother Swukong was able to counter- the monkey has a severe intellectual development
gank her. Father Brodin and Brother Swukong ran disorder. He is fluent in his native language, but
towards each other while spamming their wave that is about all there is to his intelligence.”
emotes in order to give the illusion of them giving “So why do we need them,”
each other high-fives. The liked to do this from time inquired the hooded man.
to time, especially after a successful play that was “Because,” said the woman, “they are
unlikely to be followed up by any immediate danger. both Warriors. And we need Warriors.” She
“Those two,” the hooded man asked. began to turn and walk away, before the man
The Official SMITE Magazine Issue #33 The GameOn Magazine 9