Page 8 - SMITE Magazine Issue 33
P. 8
“I could literally say the exact same thing reaction of the mighty Allfather and the lethal Weaver
to you,” replied Father Brodin. “Your Hunter in their battle of strength and cunning. One was
is worthless, and if you look around you, male and the other was female, and they both were
your Support is nowhere to be found.” dressed in relatively conservative hooded robes. If any
Just then, a voice from above broke the tension. bystanders had gotten close enough to get a good look
Father Brodin heard “An enemy has been slain!” while at either of them, they would have been able to tell by
Arachne heard “An ally has been slain!” When they the body art that they were both masters of Numinous
each checked the tops of their computer monitors, Morose -- the ancient Dark Magics. But of course,
they both saw that Ao Kuang had successfully ganked that same bystander would be dead before they
the enemy Erlang Shen, and was now sieging the Solo even came close enough to noticing those tattoos.
lane’s Tier 1 tower with Terra. Father Brodin could The hooded man turned to the woman. “So
not help but smirk, as Arachne let out a ferociously which is it? The bearded man or the spider.”
terrifying hissing sound. With her abilities off of their “The man,” replied the hooded woman,
cooldown, she used the same strategy as before to try not wanting to divert her attention elsewhere,
to kill Father Brodin, who was actually still caught out for fear of missing the opportunity to
from under his tower. Unafraid and unyielding, Father obtain some important information.
Brodin fought back, confident that even if he could not “And the spider?”
kill the Arachne, that he could definitely prove to her “Irrelevant.”
that fighting him was a complete waste of her time. The hooded man looked at the hooded woman,
Off in the far distance, across the Aegean Sea, quizzically. “You told me that there were two targets.”
two unfamiliar forces were looking across the distant “That I did, that I did. But the creature you see is
waters, watching closely, observing every action and not one of them. She is merely an event in the ever-
8 The Official SMITE Magazine Issue #33 The GameOn Magazine