Page 18 - WoW Magazine Issue 30
P. 18
18 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
With a neatly organized list, goals are easier to achieve
The world quest map is actually pretty daunting, than simply tilting at tasks all sorts of willy-nilly. Besides
especially when the World Quests are Wardens and Kirin getting your goals accomplished quicker, you’re less likely
Tor, and you’re trying to find the quests that will reward to forget time sensitive objectives.
you with a Box from them. If you’re after specific types of
rewards you may have trouble pinpointing them quickly. If you’re not the actual checklist sort, some people like
With a World Quest tracking addon, you can filter them spreadsheets, calendars, or phone reminders for things
much easier, and find the ones you wish to tackle in a much like raids or major events. I’ve seen it all. Another good way
more sensible manner. to accomplish this is to use a planner or to make a Bullet
Journal and use it tackle both video game tasks and real
Similarly, some add ons can provide a more streamlined life tasks.
quality of life. Auction house add ons can make buying items
cheaper and faster, leaving you less likely to get distracted ASK FOR ASSISTANCE FROM
trying to find a good deal and an item’s worth. Postal can FRIENDS AND GUILD MEMBERS:
make sending mail faster and it easier for you to send mail
to your alts and friends. Chat addons can allow you to tag If you get distracted doing certain tasks, ask for help
people’s alts with notes so you remember who they belong getting it done. I know one friend who completely zones
to helping you to remember who they belong to. out while reviewing their own logs, so they go over them
with a guildie. Another always forgets to enchant their
MAKE A LIST OF WHAT YOU gear, so once a week they and a friend have a set time to go
WANT TO DO EACH DAY: over everything on their characters, and make certain they
both have enough of everything in their bags for a week of
Checklists, checklists, checklists. I like making a daily raiding and questing, down to helping each other craft raid
checklist or a big one that’s either weekly or monthly. food, pots and flasks.
That way, when I find myself doing laps in Dalaran, or If you’re struggling with remembering during raids, you
looking through armor for the 3,000th time, I can actually can ask for help with things like flask and food checks, or
realize that I really need to kill the World Boss, and which use an addon. I raid with a group that uses RaidSlackCheck
Achievements I’d like to get done. an addon that tells us if someone forgot to get a food buff
The GameOn Magazine