Page 21 - WoW Magazine Issue 30
P. 21

World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 21

              That means that until I get at least some of that           the moments in between. Alts for me were, before

           pile knocked off, I don’t want anybody else to worry           Legion, what I did when there wasn’t any content.

           about. It isn’t like it was in Draenor where everyone

           in a Garrison could be generating cash, after all. All            Now there’s more content than I can complete,

           my alts will need an Artifact to progress for starters,        with even greater developments on the way. That’s

           and the struggle I had with my Mage’s Frost staff              not likely to change with the current pace of change

           makes me realise that Hunters do pretty well with a            I’m seeing moving forward, and I don’t want it to.

           pet as a pocket tank. I could, of course, pick one of          That’s because I know all the people who do have

           my other selection of Hunters to level with, taking a          the time and are levelling alts, and they need all this

           different spec and by extension another weapon, but            extra stuff to make their lives easier. I’m happy to be

           then there’s the issue with Artifact power. The effort         content with what I can have on just the one character

           of getting both character and weapon to 110 is just            for as long as Activision Blizzard keep throwing the

           too much at present for me to cope with. The catch             new stuff out to us. That suits me just fine. Even if

           up mechanics in 7.1.5 are lovely, don’t get me wrong,          this is a new year and I’m still on the same main,

           but the amount of work I’d have to do to get my staff          this expansion is better than it’s been for a very

           to a level where it is comparable to my gear? The              long time, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

           thought of doing all these World Quests on multiple                                                 By Sarah Reeson

           alts is making me shudder just typing about it.

              Of course I could farm AP in lots of ways, but when

           time is my primary issue? I have to admit defeat. I

           suspect eventually I’ll play some of my family, but I

           can see the number of active alts dwindling rapidly.

           I haven’t played my Monk or my Worgen Druid since

           the start of Draenor, and they’re both languishing at

           90 in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. I suspect Draenor

           will claim most of the others too, but I’m not that sad

           about this as I first thought I would be. You see, to

           keep playing, I understand that sacrifices need to be

           made, and it is more important in the end to have one

           person who’s really well geared so that I can get the

           stuff I really want (mounts) and then muck around in

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