Page 40 - SMITE Official Magazine Issue 20
P. 40




                                                                                                               By Devon Boyette

In this current Meta Warriors serve many                       bruisers as much as I do and you find yourself
  purposes and can fill many roles to balance                  playing in the mid lane, don’t be afraid to pull one

out a team composition (or comp for short). Most               out every on Like most MOBAs, SMITE has a pretty

traditionally bruisers are put into the Solo role              staunch meta, a familiar routine of player placement

because of their survivability and sustain (healing            and character selection that constitutes a basic

of some sort) that help them come out into the                 framework or blueprint plan for a standard game.

midgame ahead and with tons of farm. More recently In this meta, we have the three lanes covered by

we’ve seen bruisers in the jungle in order to give             four players, with the fifth in the jungle, and the duo

a skilled solo player a chance to play a hard carry            lane usually consists of a Hunter with a Guardian

while still maintaining a frontline a team needs to            support, and puts a Mage mid. This works for various

keep the comp from being too heavy on backline                 reasons, but it doesn’t have to work that way.

gods. Both of these strategies are meant to open up            It’s true that the game’s meta is generally

god pools for highly skilled and experienced players, followed because it’s an efficient way to play

giving a team more options and for me options                  with multiple upsides and a high rate of success,

are always good. So what if you want a different               but it’s not the only way to play, and with more

option? What happens if you want to go against the             and tweaks and off-meta picks, you can see

grain and decide to put a little beef in the middle?           everything from Guardian junglers to Hunter

Believe it or not bruisers and Warriors in                     solos, and occasionally a Warrior mid--as we

the middle lane is not a brand new, crazy theory               suggested last issue. In these instances, what’s

that was thought up recently. Though it was not                a team to do but use a Mage support?

extremely common gods like Chaac and Hades                     But guys, why should I?
were sometimes put in mid to flesh out a solid

         team comp. But I’m here to tell you that if you love  						                   The GameOn Magazine

40 The Official SMITE Magazine Issue #20
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