Page 22 - WoW Magazine Issue 29
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22 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine


                                           HOW TO BE BETTER

                                                                                                                           By Sarah Reeson

                             s 2016 comes to an end, there will be                  new and sometimes difficult things that I present five

                             many of you more than grateful for its                 ways you can stretch beyond your comfort zones in 2017

                    Adeparture. It is traditional at this time of                   and perhaps make some new friends along the way.

                 year to make resolutions: attempting to make 2017

                 different, looking at how as a person you can improve              1. BELIEVE IN YOUR ABILITY

                 on what has come before. This year, I’d like to ask you

                 to consider yourself in Azeroth, and how, in the next                 This, for many people, is the most difficult first step of

                 12 months, you could learn to be a better player.                  all: self-belief. Am I good enough to cope with random

                                                                                    issues? Do I possess the skills required to make it look

                    What I’m asking here will not involve you pouring               as if I’m a capable player? Before you start fretting, none

                 over third party websites or spending hours at the target          of this really matters in the bigger scheme of things to

                 dummies in your capital city/Class Hall of choice. In              everybody except you. Your brain will throw ridiculous

                 fact, I’m not talking about that aspect of participation           amounts of logical and well thought out reasons for

                 at all, because I don’t have a clue how you approach or            not taking that step if, deep down, you cannot believe

                 play your own character. My focus is on how you look               there is the capability within you to begin with.

                 past the desire we all have to simply focus on the people

                 and things that matter to us first and to look beyond                 The key to success is to stop listening to yourself and

                 both the safe and comforting, by taking a step in the              your objections to change. There has to be the belief

                 dark for the first time and doing stuff that scares you.           that whatever happens, you are better with other people

                                                                                    than you’ll ever be alone. Even if it scares you, find

                    This is a difficult thing to do, and I know from first-hand     something that you can believe in as a starting point and

                 experience how intimidating it can seem to approach total          go from that. It can be baby steps: a LFR with a bunch of

                 strangers online… but in Azeroth, nobody should ever be            random people, or maybe signing up for a World Boss

                 alone for too long. Features like the Class Hall are meant         group. Start small, and go from there. Honestly, you have

                 to bring players together, and it is in the spirit of doing        nothing to lose, and might enjoy yourself in the process.

                 The GameOn Magazine
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