Page 25 - Paladins Magazine Issue 2
P. 25

“Make the best quality content you can with

        the resources you have. More importantly

        though, try to fill a niche. There’s plenty of

        room for more content creators for Paladins.

        A large factor in my channel’s success isn’t

        necessarily related to my editing skills or

        personality or any of that.. It’s because there

        wasn’t really much high level Paladins play

        on youtube. People want to see the crazy

        stuff players come up with in high level

        Paladins. It’s cool. That was my niche. Your

        niche may be that you’re extremely good at

        explaining complicated topics pertaining to

        organized competitive strategies that make                         really powerful 1 point cards (reversal and

        it easy for normal players to understand,                          nether step ammo cards). Many Androxus

        or maybe you just have a really interesting                        players have been begging for help for a long

        group of friends you play with and you may                         time now, and with him being such a popular

        not be one of the best players out there but                       champ I’d say it’s time he gets a look at.”

        recording your gaming sessions makes for

        good entertainment. Figure out what it is that                     What do you think of community

        makes you special and run with it.”                                tournaments that are happening? What

                                                                           are your thoughts on more events like

        Is there anything in the game that you                             Youtubers vs Reddit Mods?

        feel should be changed or looked at?                               “I’ve never actually looked into those type

        “Well honestly I could write no less than                          of things! I’ve heard of the community

        30 pages regarding what needs changed                              tournaments, and I think they’re great for

        or looked at but I won’t bore you with that                        the community, it’s just never been my

        here. The big thing that comes to mind is                          type of thing. YT vs Reddit mods would be

        aggression, but I’m pretty sure we’re all on                       interesting.”

        the same page there. Next up, I guess I’ll

        go with.. Androxus. His right click is useless,                    How did you get into the Competitive

        several of his cards don’t actually do anything,  Scene of Paladins?

        his reversal has serious consistency issues                        “Previously I had always been a “casual”

        (shots firing through it somehow related to                        player in past games, though I do play quite

        latency and walking backwards), among                              seriously. It was no different in Paladins. I was

        several other issues. He’s always been high                        actually contacted by a player named ImDave

        tier just because of his mobility tied with a                      that I had consistently run into in my casual

        strong low-mid range hitscan handgun and                           games. He was rostered with the challenger

        Paladins Community Magazine Issue 2                                                                            The Game On Magazine      25
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