Page 10 - Paladins Magazine Issue 2
P. 10
The Ancient
By Jawwaad Flaendorp
“My ancestors have been the caretakers Crystal had been discovered. It is said that
of The Crystal for ages. Who would have if you are not one of the chosen, a curse will
thought that on my watch, the balance in the be put on you and The Crystal will shatter,
realm would be disturbed” spreading itself throughout The Realm. I was
troubled knowing that I did not reveal the
I will not forget that day, it was near Frog location of The Crystal and I wondered how
Isle. Whilst in a deep meditative state being this sacred information and location was
completely in tune with my surroundings, I obtained. I reluctantly picked up my dredge
sensed something. For centuries, my race anchor and cannon not knowing what to
and the Elven race were passed down the expect. I made my way to The Elves. Upon
location of The Crystal. This was only known arrival I was shocked that the once beautiful
between us and it was our duty to never village of The Elves was in a dire state. I was
reveal it to outsiders. Only the chosen greeted by Ying the chosen one for The Elves
ones were privileged enough to have this and she explained the happenings which lead
information passed down to them. to the disastrous state of the village.
On that fateful day I could feel the balance “I sensed the disturbance too and on that
being disturbed. Everything was in agony, the day a machine proclaiming his title as King
air became thick, the gentle breeze became entered our village. He was looking for Skye
turbulent and at that moment I knew The a fellow Elf and a good friend. Naturally we
10 Paladins Community Magazine Issue 2 The Game On Magazine