Page 27 - WoW Magazine Issue 30
P. 27

World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 27

                                                                              The only thing a player is doing by constantly

                                5.  MAKE TIME FOR THE                      talking and adding feedback to the raids that isn’t

                                THINGS YOU ENJOY                           what the raid leader says to do is causing confusion.

                                                                           If that person speaks in an authoritative tone when

                                   Don’t hang your sole worth              new members come along, they may even follow

                                in WoW on your ability to raid.            their directions, causing mistakes and wipes.

                                Find other things you enjoy in             Everyone has run into the backseat raid leader at

                                the game. If you love to collect           some point, and if you haven’t, it might be you.

                                pets and mounts, collect pets

                                and mounts. If you enjoy giving               Pretty much, don’t be that person. Come to be a

                                out items to noobs in starting             team player, and make suggestions in the appropriate

                                zones, go wild on a weekday night.         manner to your group. As much as it feels like whatever

                                Level some alts, or knockout               you could possibly suggest, right away, letting your

                                achievements. Simply don’t just            guild leadership do their jobs will help even more.

                                get caught on the hamster wheel

                                of frustration always or else when            TL; DR: If you aren’t leading the raid, enjoy the

                                you hit a roadblock, you’ll feel           raid and don’t tell others what to do instead.

                                angry and frustrated at the game.

                                   TL;DR: Find some other things to
                                                                                                             By Ashleigh Ayn Sult
                                do that don’t feel like work or else

                                raiding will feel like a punishment.

                                6. BACKSEAT RAID LEADING

                                   If only your raid leader

                                would just understand that you

                                should just do X, Y or Z. You’re

                                making a constant string of only

                                suggestions in raid chat while

                                the raid leadership is trying to fix

                                things. You really know the answer

                                to the question, and you’re just

                                being helpful, right? Wrong.

                                                                                                                      The GameOn Magazine
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