Page 28 - WoW Magazine Issue 29
P. 28
28 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
By Leanne Dugan
art of Warcraft’s overall gameplay is our pride This past year I have struggled with seeing my friends
of place. You want it in some way, I want it in a and my guildies progress on in content without me. The
Pdifferent way and that dude wants it in a way last 5 years I have been there for each first kill we had and
that makes you wonder if he will share what he just drank. I had been part of the group that got the FoS early on. Now
We all want to be that special unicorn that Azerothian’s I sit back and I have to be happy for them without feeling
everywhere will say, “dude, damn” when you are around. bleak.
Unfortunately, for some of us, our real lives only allow us to
be a filthy casual. So how do you prioritize WoW when your While occasionally I get jealous, that’s only a human
real life is a time sucker and/or an energy sucker? thing to do, I step back and remember that I have different
priorities now.
Goals. Make ‘em. Live by ‘em.
Breathe when you get frustrated As I began to realize that Azeroth was not my second home
that you don’t have the time. anymore, and I decided I need to have goals in Warcraft.
That way, when I logged in I didn’t feel overwhelmed by the
This past year has been hard for me in Azeroth. I went amount of stuff a casual player has staring at them when
from a stay at home mom who played WoW and raided they log in for the first time in 4 days. The Legion App has
4 nights a week, to working 9 hour days, 6 days a week helped with this a little, I can do missions and research
and still having to come home to 3 eager younglings. That while I’m on lunch; but it drives me bonkers when I can
doesn’t leave much time for me, or my love of Azeroth and finally log in, I have missions in progress and I have a bag
all it has waiting for me. Anyone who has ever participated full of stupid trinkets and upgrade items for my followers.
in any form of Lent will understand, giving things up, Nevertheless, now when I open my quest log and I see 17
especially things that you love, is hard to do. quests for dungeons and raids that I’m not geared for and
don’t have the time to do before I need to sleep, I can sit
down and work on my goal and not fret about all the stuff
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